Investors, join us in the boat electrification revolution.

Boat Propulsion. Adopt the 100% Electrification!

Are you a boat building company?

Some of your models could be eligible for an electric propulsion.

Contact us and become a player in electric mobility!




The best of 100% electric marine propulsion

As a startup we constantly take up technological and economic challenges, in partnership with You, Boat Manufacturers.

We know that your needs are unique, we understand the maritime specificities : your are in good hands for the path to electric mobility.

Electric propulsion involves a multitude of factors. Stand out and offer these innovations, sometimes unique, and specifically adapted to the maritime environment.


Inboard electric motorization
Coupling: Propeller – Hydrojet – Z-Drive

High Power

Implement a high power unit, for example for a demanding use
of a 10-meter boat: 200kW(1) using a 700-volt electrical system.

50kW Outboard

For a 5-meter speedboat, a power of 50kW (1) is often a good
choice. With a 96-volt or 140-volt architecture.

Uncompromised Safety

It is obvious to you and to us: electrification must not add new risks. From the beginning of the design we have chosen to offer you only non-explosive, and non-flammable battery packs.

LTO Technology: Ultra-Fast Charging!

Charge up to 100% in just 15 minutes (Protected technology)

Long battery life – Durable - Favorable cost of ownership in the long term.

Fast Charging at 100% in 1 Hour

Choose LiFePO4 technology when price is a priority, Additional advantages:
Light weight – Long service life – Voltage stability throughout discharge.


Daisy chainable battery packs

Choose among multiple power packs, ranging from 2kWh to 28kWh.
Daisy chainable battery packs offer even more possibilities of implementation within the boat structure.
Example of a 5-kWh (64-kilogram) module - Size: 600mm (L) x 200mm (W) x 300mm (H)

Battery Supervision

The battery supervision system (BMS) ensures the permanent balancing of the battery packs, both during charging and discharging periods.
- IP65 protection by encapsulation
- CAN bus to communicate with battery packs
- Remote supervision

Solar Charging

In a project including the use of a 100% electric propulsion combined with solar panels, we were able to navigate a barge for a month, without a single use of a charging station.

Maintenance - Services

Our Heavy Duty motors originate from the Industry. No special maintenance is needed (2) -- Brushless technology - IP65 rated - Variable DC Driver.
We operate throughout the France, from Saint-Nazaire, Loire-Atlantique. We are currently establishing new service locations. If necessary, we can perform remote diagnostics.
We are particularly committed to the execution of a service of excellence.

(1): We always specify the nominal power, the one that can be delivered permanently. Peak power, whose value is advantageously higher, is often mentioned elsewhere for marketing purposes, but it is not applicable in marine propulsion.
(2): Except replacement of bearings after 20,000 hours of use.

Port Service Boats

We are developing the future of pilot boats, these service boats in ports that assist in the mooring of ships.

A €50 million project in collaboration with our partners.

This is a decisive step that confirms our technological choices.

In collaboration with the LHD Group, we are developing the future of pilot boats, these service boats that assist in the mooring of ships. They will now integrate our "E-Powered by UPSILION" propulsion system.

170kW Electric Propulsion

LFP-Battery Packs: Capacity of 516kWh

Autonomy: 4 hours -- a half-day of service

Charging 80% in 1 Hour


Fuel overflows are a major source of pollution in ports, for example when filling up tanks.


Port service boats powered by diesel engines cannot comply with environmental norms. They are currently navigating under derogation until 2030.

Comparison of electrical vs. fuel operating costs over 6 years

Study carried out with the classic conditions of 2000 hours per year.

Our studies show that cost of operation of an electric vs. diesel propulsion breaks even after 4-5 years.

The Upsilion Team

Philippe Pinault


Antoine Testu

Sales Manager

Luc Senard

Electronics Technician

Didier Bossard

Test Pilot

Manufacturer of 100% electric marine propulsion systems


8 route de Brangouré

Adopt the 100%

Port Service Boats

Our Team

Investor Opportunities


Vebrat SAS titulaire de la marque Upsilion,se réserve2024